Current UK Grants (UKRI | RAEng | RS)
RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies
Royal Academy of Engineering
PI: Prof. Magda Titirici
Bio-derived and Bio-inspired Advanced Materials for Sustainable Industries (VALUED)
PI: Prof. Magda Titirici see link below for co-investigators
VALUED Programme | Research groups | Imperial College London
An automated high-throughput robotic platform for accelerated battery and fuels discovery - DIGIBAT
PI: Prof. Magda Titirici see link below for co-investigators
Probing the fundamental limits to the catalysis of green hydrogen production
bp international centre for advanced materials (bp-ICAM)
PI: Prof. Ifan Stephens
Next Generation Na-ion Batteries (NexGenna Phase 2)
The Faraday Institution
PI: Prof. John Irvine
Li Sulphur Research Accelerator (Phase 1 & 2)
Faraday Institution
PI: Prof. Paul Shearing
Manufacturing of cathode active material for electric vehicle batteries from blended, multi-chemistry black mass
Innovate UK Faraday Challenge (with Altilium Metals)
Valorising waste into high value chemicals and hydrogen
Private donation
PI: Prof. Magda Titirici
Current EU Grants
Towards innovative and affordable post-lithium energy storage systems based on more sustainable and locally sourced materials-
EU- Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Doctoral Networks (eNargiZinc)
PI: Prof. Magda Titirici
Optimising nanoporous carbon electrodes for efficient energy storage in sodium-ion batteries
Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
PIs: Prof. Magda Titirici, Carla de Tomas
“Anodeless” Na-ion batteries
PI: Prof. Magda Titirici