Congratulations to Anastasia Teck and Jinglin Jiang for passing their viva!

Huge congratulations to both Anastasia Teck and Jinglin Jiang for passing their viva, we all look forward to seeing what the future holds!

Christmas Party 2024

We were able to end the year with a fantastic joint Christmas Party with Ifan Stephens’ group! We had delicious Malaysian food thanks to Cempaka, lots of festive fun and even some Karaoke to see the year out. Thanks to Craig and Morven for organising the party and to Magda and Ifan for allowing us to have such a great celebration.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

One month in Japan

Magda and some group members spent time in Japan meeting collaborators, attending conferences, travelling and seeing the beautiful sights of the country. See Magda’s 10-part summary on X for a detailed run down of the group’s activities, both academic and social - Magda Titirici on X: "One month in Japan

Great success from Future Batt at Summer Science Exhibition (02-09/07/24)

Some of our group members, alumni and close collaborators ran a wonderful stand at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition. Future Batt presented to members of the public how we are developing novel batteries from sustainable resources in order to make the world a better place. See below some pictures from the successful event and check out Future Batt’s X page (Future BATT (@FutureBatt) / X) for updates!

More prizes for Titirici group members!

Two of our outstanding PhD graduates have been awarded prizes from their departments. Silvia Favero was awarded the 2023 Townsend Prize for outstanding original research in energy engineering from the Chemical Engineering department. Angus Pedersen was awarded the 2023 John Kilner Prize for excellence in research in materials for application in energy conversion from the Materials department. Congratulations both, very well deserved!

Congratulations to Angus Pedersen on passing his PhD viva!

Another of our outstanding PhD students have passed their viva with no corrections! That’s 3/3 of our students co-supervised with Ifan Stephens to pass with flying colours. Angus’ contribution to the Titirici group and the Imperial College London network will not end here as he continues his research as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow after being awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship.